One of Those Days

There is nothing like that a new something to brighten your day. But what if you don't have a new something and you feel terrible despite the fact that it's Friday? What do you do then? Why, you create something new out of something you already have, of course!

In my case, usually new dolls (and listening to Smashing Pumpkins) make me feel better no matter what's going on in my life, but I'm without new dolls (and didn't feel like listening to Smashing Pumpkins) so I decided to redress Alistair. I've always disliked his original outfit, but have never been able to find a good style for him. I don't usually redress my Taeyang dolls, so if I don't like their original outfits, I'm pretty much out of luck. But the inspiration for this outfit came to me last night out of nowhere, so today I decided to try it on him to see how it looked, and I love it! 

I love his melancholy look anyway, but this rocker look gives him this rebellious-don't-care-about-anything-but-the-music attitude. He also gives me a reason to keep the guitar, which I originally bought for my Homme boys but it's a little too big for them but fits Alistair perfectly. I don't know why I didn't think of the look before!
